The Growing Trend of Psychiatric Emergencies in the Modern World: A Literature Review
Fouad Mahmoud Alrahal *
NMC Royal Hospital, Mohammed Bin Zayed City, United Arab Emirates.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Psychiatric emergencies represent critical situations wherein individuals face acute mental health crises that necessitate immediate intervention to ensure their safety and well-being. These emergencies can occur and develop in various forms, and the most popular variants include suicidal ideation, severe psychotic episodes, overwhelming anxiety, or acute intoxication. The growing prevalence of psychiatric emergencies in the modern world raises concerns about the complex interplay of societal, environmental, and individual factors contributing to mental health crises. One important aspect of psychiatric emergencies is the heightened vulnerability of individuals in the face of contemporary stressors. Economic uncertainties, political instability, and rapid societal changes can exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions or trigger acute episodes. Similarly, the influence of technology and social media introduces novel challenges, affecting interpersonal relationships, self-perception, and the amplification of mental health stressors. Environmental factors, including climate change and urbanization, add another layer of complexity to the landscape of psychiatric emergencies. Disruptions in the environment can influence mental health, and the consequences may be more pronounced in vulnerable populations. Moreover, access to mental health resources remains uneven, contributing to disparities in the prevalence of emergencies among different demographic groups. This study aims to elucidate the multifaceted factors influencing this growing trend, exploring the implications for individuals, communities, and healthcare systems. In addressing the implications of this trend, this review aims to inform strategies for early intervention, prevention, and the improvement of mental health services. It emphasizes the importance of community-based initiatives, destigmatization efforts, and the integration of mental health awareness into public health campaigns.
Keywords: Psychiatric emergencies, psychiatry, anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, emergency
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