The Insidious Killer: Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Disease Management and Cultural Considerations for the Asian American and Pacific Islander Population in Primary Care

Jenny Chin *

California State University, Los Angeles - Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing, USA.

Stefanie Varela

California State University, Los Angeles - Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing, USA.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is a significant health concern in the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. The lack of initial symptoms underscores the importance of early detection because it may impact the individual’s quality of life and poses a risk for transmission impact in public health. The challenges in management in primary care setting for the AAPI community are multifaceted. The challenges include stigma related to cultural beliefs, lack of knowledge, and language barriers. Understanding stigma while incorporating universal screening protocols is crucial for primary care providers to utilize for early detection, reducing transmission, and lowering the risk of hepatocellular cancer (HCC).


Objective: Understanding the approach and clinician review of CHB. Discuss the challenges of treating CHB in the AAPI community. Describe universal screening protocol per CDC, identify destigmatizing approaches, and use cultural considerations to expand screening and treatment within the AAPI community. Identify evidence-based approaches from guidelines from AASLD.

Keywords: Hepatitis b virus, chronic hepatitis B, asian american and pacific islander, cultural considerations, stigma, primary care provider, nurse practitioner

How to Cite

Chin , Jenny, and Stefanie Varela. 2024. “The Insidious Killer: Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Disease Management and Cultural Considerations for the Asian American and Pacific Islander Population in Primary Care”. Asian Journal of Medical Principles and Clinical Practice 7 (2):306-15.


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