Prof. Stan Florin Gheorghe

I am a Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj Napoca, Romania, Discipline of Comparative Anatomy, of which I am the head since 2022. I have been teaching in the same discipline for 24 years. Since 2009 I am a doctor in veterinary medicine, morphology domain. My main area of specialization is normal and pathological morphology. Besides this, the lymphatic system is one of the systems to which I have paid special attention, both in terms of normal aspects and in terms of the metastasis of tumors via the lymphatic pathways. I am the author of 12 specialized books (of which 8 as unic/first author and 4 as co-author) and of over 100 scientific papers, of which 18 were published in journals with impact factor. The published papers have received over 180 citations both in journals with IF and in journals indexed in other international databases. I'm a reviewer of 4 journals with IF. My specialization incluides comparative anatomy, animal science, experimental models, lymphatic system, ultrasonography.